Flotrol is a scientifically-formulated product that supports bladder health and urinary tract function. Using a unique blend of natural ingredients, Flotrol helps improve bladder control and reduce the frequency of bathroom visits. With Flotrol, you can regain confidence and live an active lifestyle.

If you have an overactive bladder and wish there was some way you could avoid all those embarrassing symptoms, then you’re about to discover a product that could literally change your life.
Here’s why.
Our technicians here at Flotrol have come up with a unique supplement that combines two natural plant extracts which studies have shown combat the effects aging has on your bladder and help to strengthen the muscles around it.
In fact, Native Americans have been using one of these extracts to treat urinary problems for centuries ...
And in more recent times, a study by leading Japanese scientists has shown that this natural plant extract combination can reduce incontinence in people with an overactive bladder in up to 79% of cases.

But first,
If you suffer from overactive bladder syndrome, you’ve probably experienced symptoms like:
- Needing to go to the bathroom urgently with little warning
- Not being unable to hold your urine
- Leakage before or after you’ve urinated
- Having to urinate frequently (usually more than 8 times per day)
This can really get in the way of your work, social life, and exercise and rob you of a good night’s sleep. It makes it impossible to get through your day without a lot of trips to the bathroom.
And this makes you may feel nervous and self-conscious about going out with friends or doing everyday activities because you're afraid you may not find a bathroom when you really need one.
So you begin to shy away from social events and start living like a hermit.
All because you can’t trust your bladder and are terrified of being caught in a situation where:
- You don’t know where the nearest bathroom is
- Or the nearest bathroom is too far away to get to in time
This can lead to ‘accidents’ that crush your confidence and dignity.
So most people end up staying at home to avoid getting into these situations.
But this makes you feel lonely and isolated and affects your relationships with your spouse and your family.
It can also make it impossible to get a good night's sleep and leave you feeling tired and depressed.
In addition, if you leak urine, you may develop skin problems or infections and give off an unpleasant odor.
Having these types of symptoms is embarrassing but it’s important to remember you’re not alone

That’s right.
As many as 30% of men and 40% of women in the United States are suffering just like you.
And many never ask for help because they are too self-conscious or think there is nothing that can be done.
But many also choose to ‘put up with’ their overactive bladder because they’ve tried conventional treatment methods and either:
- Didn’t get the results they were hoping for
- Found it too expensive
- Or experienced nasty side effects
If you’ve been suffering from an overactive bladder for a while, you may have tried some of these drugs yourself. The fact that you’re here looking for an alternative probably means they didn’t help you all that much ... which is often the case Doctors know this, and that’s why many of them tell overactive bladder suffers to try changing their lifestyle before turning to medications.
They’ll tell you to do things like:
- Lose weight
- Cut out caffeine and alcohol
- Stop smoking
- Properly manage chronic illnesses like diabetes
- And do special exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
We all know we should do these things ... but changing your habits is hard. Not everyone can do it. It’s a long-term approach, often taking many months or even years to achieve and for a lot of people, these changes just aren’t possible due to other health issues and the effects of aging.
So they resort to wearing absorbent pads and adult diapers. Maybe you’re already doing this yourself. Although it can save you from embarrassment, it still feels humiliating and doesn’t give you the freedom you so desperately need. Because when you wear a pad or diaper, you still need to do things like:
- Change them as soon as possible after leakage occurs to stay comfortable and odor-free
- Wear darker clothing to hide any leaks
- Wear loose-fitting clothes so others don’t notice what you’re wearing underneath
- Use a barrier ointment or lotion to protect your skin from regular exposure to urine
And if all of these methods still don’t help, your doctor may decide the only option left is to inject botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) into your bladder muscles.

Flotrol ingredients are clinically proven with natural beneficial activity of the ingredients in two ways:
Strengthening of pelvic floor An in-vitro study found that EFLA®940 pumpkin seed extract binds to androgen receptors. The androgen receptor is a ligand-activated nuclear transcription factor that mediates responses to androgens (testosterone and its metabolite DHT) in a variety of tissues, such as male sexual organs, muscle tissue and female reproductive organs. Recently it has been observed that androgens may potentially play an important role in the pelvic-floor and lower urinary track disorders by a direct anabolic effect on muscles in the urinary tract that are sensitive to androgens and contain large number of androgen receptors.
That’s why the team here at Flotrol have developed a product that makes it easy and affordable for anyone suffering from an overactive bladder to start taking these two powerful plant extracts in the form of an easy-to-swallow capsule.
All you have to do is order your supply of Flotrol and we’ll post it discretely to your door. You don’t need a prescription and if you take advantage of one of our package deals, you could receive up to 2 bottles (60 capsules each) for FREE!
Just think, in a matter of just a few weeks, you could be enjoying life again without having to worry about your bladder letting you down.
Imagine being able to travel, watch a movie, go shopping at the mall, swimming at the beach or driving on the freeway without having any embarrassing accidents.
Or simply being able to laugh, cough or carry out strenuous activities without any leakage.

Flotrol Worked For Them … And It Can Work For You Too
Order Your Supply Of FLOTROL Today!
- Supports bladder control naturally
- Helps you avoid sleepless nights & embarrassing accidents
- Contains pumpkin seed & soy extracts
- Specially formulated for mature adults
- No Prescription Needed
- Easy-to-swallow capsules
- Made in the U.S.A.
Buy Online With Confidence
Your order and payments will be made through Flotrol’s website order form which uses the most secure and trustworthy online payment methods available worldwide. You can order your Flotrol products using any of the 4 major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card). Some have third party payment options.
N.B. This product is not available in retail stores and can only be purchased online.
Started working in a week!
"This is great! I started my routine as soon as Flotrol came in the mail, and in about 7 days, all my symptoms started to fade, and in 10 days they were virtually gone". - Karen Brymer
Flotrol blew me away!
"By week two, if you keep taking the pills, it won’t even cross your mind. And that peace of mind right there is why I decided to type this out."— Kevin Giller
Positive Results
"I started taking Flotrol about a year ago when I just couldn’t deal with my overactive bladder any more. Since then I really feel like Flotrol has given me control back into my life."- Candace Flynn